Dr. Penny Walters - international speaker and author
After dinner speaker
Please email for a summary of the presentation you are interested in, and to check my availability
New presentations:
'Incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your family tree research'
'Walk this way - the often overlooked role of the census enumerator'
'Demystifying DNA test results'
'Are you an ethical genealogist?'
'An introduction to forensic genetic genealogy'
'Transitioning your genealogy hobby into a business'
'Adding social history to your tree story'
'Strategically marketing your genealogy business'
'Planning a research trip to the UK'
'Turning your tree into a talk'
‘Wish you were here’ (utilising postcards in genealogy)
Presentations available:
‘Ethical dilemmas in genealogy’
‘The psychology of searching’
‘Mixing DNA results with a paper trail’
'Aspects of adoption'
‘Deconstructing the UK Censuses 1801 to present’
'The importance of the 1921 Census'
'Ethical dilemmas in DNA testing'
‘Welsh ancestry’
‘England & Wales 1939 Register’
'Discovering Irish heritage'
'Damnatio memoriae' - deleting memories'
'Bristol and the transatlantic slave trade'
'Suffragettes - the vision of voting'
'Leaving Liverpool - The Mormon trail'
‘Ethnicity and identity’
‘Black British family history research’
‘An introduction to genealogy’
'Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919 - 'Spanish flu''
'Charles Booth's London poverty survey'
Author of:
Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy (2019)
The Psychology of Searching (2020)
Both available on Amazon in paperback or kindle

Forthcoming presentations 2025
21 January - 7pm CST - 1am 22 Jan GMT - Wisconsin FHS (USA), Aspects of adoption
4 February - Chesterfield & District FHS - Adding social history to your family tree
6 February - Eastbourne FHS - Adding social history to your family tree
13 February - London Westminster FHS - Finding Irish heritage
18 February - Haven Mother & Baby Home group - Incorporating DNA results for adopted people
20 February - West Middlesex FHS - Researching Irish ancestors
25 February - Fareham FHG - An introduction to forensic genetic genealogy
6-8 March - Roots Tech
Walk this way - the role of the census enumerator
The usefulness of Milennial Star and Zion's Trumpet publications
The use of DNA matching to reveal potential relationships for adopted people & those who have discovered unexpected DNA matches
19 March - Nottingham FHS - Leaving Liverpool - The Mormon trail
24 March - Bath FHS - An Introduction to forensic genetic genealogy (FGG)
2 April - Gwynedd FHS - Ethical dilemmas in genealogy
5 April - Tiara Celtic Connections Conference - From separation to reconnection: psychological and ethical dimensions of finding missing family in Ireland’s historical context
23 April - Liverpool and SW Lancs. FHS - Leaving Liverpool - The Mormon trail
11 August - Burntwood FHS - Demystifying DNA
8 September - Birkhamsted U3A - Adding social history to your family tree
"I was happy to have finally met you in person. I have heard nothing but rave reviews about your talks and about your warm, wonderful personality." Ohio GS
The highlight of the conference for me was Dr. Walters who was extremely engaging and entertaining, and was able to explain the complicated issue of DNA, so that even I could understand it. Really Useful Family History Show
"Penny did a great job explaining the UK Censuses. And her accent made listening even more fun." New Jersey G.S.
''I have participated in this and several of your programs over the past few years. I am impressed by your clear-eyed and realistic presentation of the issues and considerations around adoption and reunion. Not something easy to do.'' Roots Tech attendee
'Many presenters are obviously reading from a script. Penny spoke as if she was with her best friends and is joyful in her voice.'' Ontario Ancestors
"I really enjoyed your presentation and the personal motivations and connections that you wove through it." Afro- American Genealogical Society (AAHGS)
''Very knowledgeable. Her presentation was streamlined, and her delivery was excellent. I also enjoyed her little touches of humour.'' Ontario Ancestors
''Last night’s talk was brilliant. I’ve had several complimentary messages today from members and visitors. The most common comment was thought provoking.'' Fleet and Farnborough FHG
''It was a great presentation and very informative. You're going to be a hard act to follow according to all the raves in the chat.'' Browood FHS, Florida
''Thanks for your extremely thought-provoking talk last night. I had a couple of members email me with their family history ethical dilemmas - and they weren't insignificant! You will be pleased to know that your talk attracted 72 people. We haven't had that many at a presentation before.'' Malvern FHS
''Penny is a much respected writer and public speaker, particularly on DNA, adoption and moral dilemmas encountered during family history research. However, on this occasion, she took us on an engaging and enlightening journey through the decennial National Censuses of the UK'' Alde Valley Suffolk FHG
''I have just watched your DNA talk and must tell you how much I enjoyed it. For the first time I have understood some of the DNA mysteries I have chewed over for some time. Not least, some of your charts explain relationships brilliantly. The conference was excellent and your talk was definitely the highlight!'' RUFHS
''Fascinating talk, and it was good to have the handout which enabled us to concentrate on the talk rather than trying to take notes at the same time.''
‘'Thank you for a very informative session! There were points you made... that honestly I never asked myself. It is so important to make sure you share accurate information, be considerate in what you share, and how you share it.’' AAHGS
‘' You opened my eyes to several things to be cautious about when it comes to things I may take for granted in genealogy. Thank you for this information and for taking time to chat with me privately!’' AAHGS
''The speaker was so well organized. It made me think the whole time. Very good exercise for the brain.'' BIFHGSO
''I attended another one of your amazing webinars. I appreciate your warmth, sensitivity, ethics, and humor in your webinars.'' Barbara
''Thanks again for your talk, it went well and was attended well, it was our best so far.'' Peter
''Your Zoom talk prompted further discussion between us as to our own family ethical dilemmas. Such a fascinating and insightful talk.'' Yvonne
In-person and online presentations:
Roots Tech - in-person and online
Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS) Conference
American-French Genealogical Society
Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies
Association of Professional Genealogists Professional Management Conference, Kansas City - in-person
Association of Professional Genealogists
Augusta Genealogical Society
Blog Talk Radio
Brigham Young University - in-person
Broward County
Bruce County
Centre County GS, Pennsylvania
Chula Vista (California) Genealogical Society
Colorado APG
Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy
East Coast Genetic Genealogy Conference
Evalogue Life
Gen Friends
Glendora GS of California
Heartland Family History Conference, Topeka (Kansas) Genealogical Society
Hispanic America - Southern California (GSHA SC)
IAJGS Annual Conference(s) on Jewish Genealogy
Lee County Florida GS
New York FHS
New Hampshire
New Jersey Genealogical Society
New York Genealogical and Biographical Society
New York State annual conference - in-person
Northeast Ohio GS
Ohio Genealogical Society
Ohio Genealogical Society annual conference, Cincinnati - in-person
Ohio Genealogical Society annual conference, Cleveland - in-person
Orange County California Genealogical Society
Pima County (Arizona) DNA Special Interest Group
Pinellas GS
Portsmouth (USA) Public Library
Ramapo College of New Jersey (in-person) Forensic Genetic Genealogy Conference
Seattle Genealogical Society
Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society
Southern California Genealogy Jamboree
Utah Genealogical Association (UGA) Pro Talk
Utah Genealogical Association Summit of Excellence
Virtual Genealogical Association VGA
Virtual Celtic Connections Conference WISE (Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England) FHS
Whittier GA
Who Do You Think You Are, Birmingham - in-person
Roots Tech London - in-person
ABC FHS, N. Ireland
Adoption UK
Airedale and Wharfedale Family History Society (FHS)
Alde Valley,Suffolk FHS
Alton FHS
Andover FHS
Bath FHS - in-person
Berkshire FHS
Birmingham FHS - in-person
Bolton FHS
Bristol University - in-person
Bristol & Avon FHS
Bristol U3A
Blackmore Vale FHS
Captivating Criminality Conference - in-person
Chiltern Jewish Genealogy Society
Buckinghamshire FHS
Calderdale FHS
Chepstow U3A
International Association of Jewish Genealogy Societies - in-person
Cheshire FHS
Chesterfield FHS
Chippenham FHS
Cleveland FHS
Coventry FHS
Devon FHS
Devizes FHS
Dorset FHS
Downend Bristol FHS
East London FHS
Essex FHS,
Families in British India (FIBIS)
Family Tree Live
Fleet and Farnborough FHS - in-person
Glamorgan FHS
Family History Federation - in-person
Federation Of Family Histories - in-person
Folkestone FHS
Glastonbury FHS - in-person
Guild of One Name Studies Annual Conference - in-person
Gwent FHS
Hampshire FHS Conference - in-person
Herefordshire FHS
Lancashire FHS
Llandogo Womens Institute (WI)
Malvern FHS
Midlands Ancestors
Mirthy Events
Norfolk FHS North of Ireland FHS
Northants FHS
Nottingham FHS
Oxfordshire FHS
Peterborough FHS
Powys FHS
Radio Wales
Really Useful Family History Show
Register of Qualified Genealogists (RQG) - in-person
Rest Less Events
Rugby FHS
Ryedale FHS
Secret Lives Conference - in-person
Sheffield FHS
Society of Genealogists - in-person
Somerset & Dorset FHS - West Dorset branch
Southampton FHS
Stalbridge FHS
Sussex FHS
Swindon U3A - in-person
The Name Event - in-person
West Surrey FHS
Wiltshire FHS
South Bristol U3A - in-person
Windsor FHS
Yate FHS - in-person
Yorkshire Archaeological and Historical Society, Family History Section
Back To Our Past, Cork - in-person
Clans & Surnames, Nenagh - in-person
Cork Foundation - in-person
Daniel's Genealogy podcast
Irish Famine Summer School, Roscommon - in-person
Albuquerque Genealogical Society
British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa
Ontario Ancestors - Huron County Branch; Lambton branch; London Branch; Niagara branch; Quinte branch; York branch
Ontario Genealogical Society
Quebec FHS
Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society
Whittier Area Genealogical Society
Family History Down Under Conference - in-person
Heraldry and Genealogy Society of Canberra
New South Wales Annual Conference
Queensland FHS
Society of Australian Genealogists
We Are Cousins Conference